Monte San Salvatore with children, what is Lugano without it?
Today “dad”, who was born and bred in Lugano, asked to go to the top of the San Salvatore Mountain, for the first time. He hadContinua a leggere
Today “dad”, who was born and bred in Lugano, asked to go to the top of the San Salvatore Mountain, for the first time. He hadContinua a leggere
I have been “begging” my family for months to go on a family hike to Monte Bar above Tesserete , to see the new MonteContinua a leggere
Here I am again, suggesting you a “lazy” excursion… suitable to kids who do not like walking a lot, or to people who want toContinua a leggere
Today I am going to tell you about Torre di Redde (the Redde Tower), which was part of a medieval village abandoned in the 15thContinua a leggere